Report Your Outage
Ways to Report Your Outage
Losing power is hard, reporting your outage doesn’t have to be.
Mobile App
This method is easily our quickest and easiest when it comes to reporting your outage. After you have the app downloaded (available on the App Store and Google Play) then all you need to do is login and click the red circle “menu” button near the bottom of the page. Then, click “outages” near the center of the pop up menu. After that you can click “report an outage” on the bottom left-hand side. Once you’ve clicked that you can verify the account displayed in the upper right is the correct account for the outage, make sure your contact phone number is correct, click “yes” for the “is your power out?” prompt, and then click “Report an outage” near the center of the page.
Member Portal
This method is works very similarly to how reporting in the app works. All you need to do is login and click outage at the top of the member portal page and your account(s) will pop right up and you can select all that apply, check the box for a callback if you like, confirm with the dropdown arrow that your power is out, and hit report.
Outage/Payment Number
Want to get right to business? This number is dedicated to outages and account inquiries, so this is our quickest method of calling in - because the system is automated, there is NO HOLD TIME when calling this number. If the number you are calling from matches the primary number listed on your account, then the system will automatically pull up your information and you can report your outage from there. If not, just be sure your account number is handy and then you can follow the prompts to get your outage reported.
Give us a Call
Want to talk to us directly? We are happy to take the call. Local operating hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. After that, we have an answering service located in Northeastern Oklahoma with a great staff who are just as happy to help as we are.
After your outage has been reported our crews will head out, if they haven’t already, to get your power restored as quickly as they can while staying safe themselves.
For large outages, you can keep up with updates on our Facebook page, or view our outage maps to get an overview of all outage areas.