Capital Credits

Updated Information needed for 2024 capital credits retirement

NWEC is missing contact information for members who are entitled to a capital credits check, a list of the member’s names is provided below. If you see your name, or the name of someone you know, please notify them or be sure to update your information with the co-op as soon as possible. Update forms are found at the bottom of this page.

  • What are capital credits?

    One of the benefits of being served by an electric cooperative like Northwestern Electric is something called "capital credits." When Northwestern Electric makes more money than it needs for operating costs, capital improvements and cash reserves, we return that money to you, our member-owners, in the form of capital credits.

  • How do you get capital credits?

    Capital credits are allocated to each individual member based on how much the member paid the cooperative for electricity during a particular period. Every customer who has an account with Northwestern Electric is a member of the cooperative.

    After an annual review, if there is money over and above normal operating expenses, and Northwestern Electric is financially able to do so, the money is returned to members in the form of a capital credit refund. The amount of a member's capital credits refund depends on the length of time they have been served by Northwestern Electric and the amount of energy the member has purchased from the cooperative.