Distributed Generation
Ready to Generate Your Own Power?
Here is a look at NWEC’s Distributed Generation Process:
The member must fill out and sign the interconnection agreement (part of DG Guidelines)
Member must return the agreement along with the proposal schematics that are provided by the installer.
The NWEC Engineering Department will review the documents for site approval.
Closer to installation, NWEC will meet with the installers for inspection upon completion.
After inspection, a new net meter will be installed on location (if approved).
Once the meter has been exchanged, permission to operate will be given by NWEC to the installer.
Ready to submit your interconnection agreement and schematics?
Distributed Generation Guidelines
Northwestern Electric's Distributed Generation Guidelines outlines the regulations, and/or guidelines for the connection of distributive or standby generation so as this standby generation does not back-flow onto the electric power lines (grid) and cause a safety hazard.
Avoided Cost
If members produce more energy than they are using, then that overage is calculated monthly and multiplied by the current avoided cost value to determine the buy-back rate.
The avoided energy cost is the previous month’s average of the hourly day-ahead market clearing locational marginal price (LMP) at the WFEC system aggregate pricing node WFEC_WFEC (Oklahoma), as determined by the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).
To view the current avoided energy cost, please use the link below.