Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles can be a great choice depending on things like your daily commute, proximity to local charging stations, desire to lower emissions, and lower annual fuel expenses and vehicle maintenance costs. Be sure to dive into the pros and cons of EV ownership before you commit, and if you decide to proceed be sure to contact a local electrician to visit your home and make sure your wiring can handle adding a charging station.
Did you know?
Northwestern Electric Cooperative offers an Electric Vehicle Charging Rate to encourage members who utilize at home charging with a level 2 charger to charge overnight, during off-peak demand times, when the cost of electricity is cheaper, to help reduce the cooperative's demand as a whole. Not only does this lead to savings for you, it helps our entire cooperative in the long run by reducing our demand.
The main considerations for this rate are that members charge from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. and have a level 2 charger.
Our rates are determined by how much electricity our members use during the highest on-peak times during the year - usually the hottest summer afternoons or the coldest winter mornings. We encourage members whenever possible to shift their energy use away from those hours so we can keep our rates affordable. Charging EVs overnight is another way we can do that.
Alternative Fueling Station Locator
US Department of Energy
Laws and Incentives Search Tool
US Department of Energy
Compare Electric Vehicles Side By Side
Find and Compare EV Chargers - AC Output
Electric Vehicle Basics Overview Sheet
Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations Overview Sheet
Is An Electric Vehicle Right For You? Overview Sheet
Common EV Terms and EV Overview Sheet
Touchstone Energy
Experiences and Advice from EV Drivers
Mark’s Miles Web Page - Mark Faulkenberry, VP of Marketing and Member Relations, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative
Remarks From an EV Driver - John Ukura, board director, Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative