District Meetings

Filing period opens Jan. 2nd and closes Jan. 31st, 2025.

Districts up for election in 2025 - Two, Four and Six.

Meeting dates and locations:

Feb. 26th, Quinlan Methodist Church - District 6

Feb. 27th, Sharon United Methodist Church - District 4

March 4th, Woodward First Christian Church - District 2

All Meetings: Meal at 6 p.m., Business Meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Contact Robyn Medina at 580-256-7425 to learn more, or check out our latest newsletters for details.

District Two Vacancy Announced

Following the passing of a dear friend and board member - Clair Craighead - the NWEC board of directors have announced the position of district two director as vacant and will now host an election to fill the position for the upcoming term.

Following the announcement of the vacancy, members in district two have been contacted and encouraged to reach out to our co-op to receive an official nomination form to be completed during the filing period, ending Jan. 31st.

Contact Robyn Medina at 580-256-7425 for an official nomination form, or come to our woodward office.

  • What are district meetings?

    District meetings are usually small gatherings hosted in a central location within each district, where members from that district meet with one another and co-op staff to discuss the business of the co-op and to elect a representative who will serve on the NWEC board of directors.

    Each year NWEC hosts three district meetings. This is because our service territory is split into nine districts, each with a representative who serves a three-year term on the board of directors for NWEC. These board members are democratically chosen to serve on the board by a vote of the members in the trustee candidate's respective district. This year, the districts up for election are districts one, three and five.

  • Who attends?

    In short, members of Northwestern Electric of course! In 2024, it will be members from districts one, three and five. If you are unsure of which district you live in, you can check your billing statement, or give us a call! If you live within the district and are not a voting member, please feel free to still stop by and receive your update from the cooperative hand out. If you are unsure if you are considered a voting member, check out our guidelines below.

  • Why attend?

    Having a voice in who makes the major decisions that directly affect your life and your family is a right we all share. Less common, is the right to vote for those who will represent your community’s interests within your local electric utility. As a member of Northwestern Electric Cooperative, you have that right, so why not exercise it?

    NWEC is not owned by far away investors, and it is not run by an appointed board of directors. We are run by a democratically elected board of directors - a board who is given the privilege to serve because of your vote. Our directors are members of your community. They are concerned with the issues you face every day because they face them as well.


*Note: The Certificate of Eligibility DOES NOT have to be filled out and brought by all members.

The Certificate of Eligibility must be properly filled out and brought to the meeting by the designated representative ONLY IF planning to vote on behalf of a business enterprise, sole proprietorship, partnership, or a bona fide public organization governed by official bylaws and a set of elected officers. MEMBERS MAY ONLY HAVE ONE VOTE. Regardless of the number of accounts or business accounts in their name. Thus, if they plan to have someone register and/or vote on behalf of a business they must have a separate person present and listed on the certificate of eligibility to do so.

Map of Board Districts.

2025 Elections:

Vacant - District two

John Bruce, Jr. - District four

Jeff McIntosh - District six